Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Challenge 72 - Sporting Activities

What is your pet's favourite sporty pursuit? Are they an olympic class athlete, a natural born swimmer, or maybe they just enjoy a good hike, a game of frisbee or something a bit more mellow like counter surfing or competitive sofa warming?

Whatever they excel at show us your layouts of your pets getting sporty!





Unknown said...

hihihi sports??????no way..love what you made girls.

Unknown said...

Hi girls you can find my shot at http://scrapselsfromlean.blogspot.com/2010/06/nice-shot.html
Thanks for the challenge byebye,Lean.

Unknown said...

I haven't scrapped for ages- but we've taken hundreds of photos of Holly recently. She's a real action girl- so sporting activities is probably her favourite prompt so far! She's so good at jumping and catching- that she rarely misses.


Buzzard Girl said...

Just wanted to say how much I love the chicken page by Katy. Great LO and chickens are one of my fav animals. It is my dream to keep some one day x
